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14 Healthy Breakfasts 


This is my special and a very handy guide that gives you some concrete examples of delicious and easy to make breakfasts. 


Also, these recipes are the part of Easy Weight Loss program which means that all recipes in this guide are aiding weight loss and promote healthy and balanced lifestyle.


To get "14 Breakfast Guide", click on the image above. 

Your Food Diary


Your food diary is a useful tool for keeping track of what and how much you eat through out the day. It helps you to understand your eating habits and thus makes it easier to make changes in your diet that will aid the weight loss.


Before booking a coaching session with me, I encourage you to write down what you have been eating during at least three (!) days. This will give me a good basis to provide you with guidance, specific to your eating habbits and preferences.


Download your own Food Diary by clicking on the image.



Total Relaxation


Experience meditation in motion with me. If you have a back pain, feel tired or simply curious about meditation in motion exercises, put on some comfy stretchy clothes, click on the image and follow my guidance.



Sign up for a unique coaching session with me!
First 30 people will get it for free!
Don´t miss your chance!
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