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Can´t lose weight? Stress might be the reason

Are you on the path of weight loss and feel stressed ou? You are not alone in feeling this way! Practically, this is quite common to be stressed out and have hard time losing weight!

What do I mean by being stressed out?

Practically it is the state where you feel any negative emotion on a regular basis. It might be anything from boredom to depression. All of the negative emotions indicate the imbalance in your body that directly affects your hormonal imbalance.

Especially a long term stress means that you have an increased amount of stress hormone in your body. This means that your body is working against you and your weight loss. When you are trying to shed body fat, it is set to do anything it takes to store it. In fact, your brain is set to stimulate your appetite and craving for sugary and fatty food. There is a simple explanation to why this happens.

When you are stressed, your body prepares to flee or fight and thus gather resources instead of "spending" them. So loosing body weight comes to your body as a counterintuitive action and no, your body is not going to do it willingly.

The solutions is to reduce the state of stress!

While you cannot control your surrounding environment that causes stress, you can teach yourself to distress and see events around you in a more relaxed way.

Meditation and positive thinking are some of many techniques I recommend.

Anytime you feel stalled with your progress, stressed or bored, instead of adding to the general stressful state by beating up on yourself, decide to practice one of the distressing techniques available out there.

Meditation, being present in the momnet, listen to uplifting music, writing down things that are going well in your life etc.

Have a wonderful day and remember weight loss can be and is easy

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